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Our experienced Events team and our chefs work across a multitude of event types. THis takes us to incredible locations all over the South East of England.

We cover events in Sussex, Surrey, London, Hampshire, Kent, Essex, Bucks, Oxfordshire etc.
click on the event type relevant to the one you are planning. 

can't quite see what you are looking for get in touch and the team will be happy to assist.


Planning the Christmas Party?

autumn & winter promotions now live


struggling to find the right venue?

The team may be able to help!

Need a brilliant supplier?

The team may be able to help with that too!

speak to the team

Our incredible team will listen to your hopes and dreams for your wedding or event catering. We will craft a menu to perfectly suit the style of the special occassion.

Our promise to our clients is to always be sensibly priced and will never charge extra based on the event type.

We create exceptional food with a friendly and unparraleled level of service.

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